About Us

Well Known Goods is New Zealand’s unique slow fashion & homewares marketplace featuring collections of one of a kind handmade & upcycled items by local creatives for you to shop for your wardrobe or home.

Curated by local women in New Zealand in the spirit of collaboration, you can expect regular drops of handmade clothing, homewares and gifts thoughtfully and carefully crafted. We aim to use salvaged and recycled materials where possible.

When you shop at Well Known Goods not only are you choosing a more sustainable way to purchase and live by refusing to support the fast fashion industry, you are supporting local women who are working hard to create a slower more intentional life doing what they love, learning new skills and expressing their creativity in a sustainable way.

We are CHOSEN.

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

CHOSEN represents our standing before our Lord Jesus and our commitment to our purpose inside God's will and also summarizes the values close to our hearts.


Hand made

One of a Kind



New Zealand

Our aim is to collaborate & sell together, unique and rare pieces that evoke your sense of personal style, curiosity, creativity and comfort. Providing sustainable fashion & homewares options using salvaged materials and educating & encourage our community in sewing, repair and restoration. We would like to create pieces that bring a smile of contentment when your space or outfit is ‘finished’. And you finally feel, you.

Of course, an outfit or a styled space is just a tiny reflection of the deep truth about yourself and your existence.

You were fearfully and wonderfully made by a holy, righteous and just God. We (humanity) have severed our relationship to God through sin (evil deeds). Using the free will God gave us we are biased towards evil and disobedience. The punishment for sin is death. God gave us His law so we could test our thoughts, attitudes and actions against them and see how we measure up to His standard. All of us fall short of the perfection and glory of God. God loves us so much that instead of leaving us to die in sin, He sent His only Son Jesus Christ who willingly sacrificed himself, taking the punishment we deserve for our sins so we could be restored to our Father in Heaven. When we realise the truth of our sinful nature, ask for forgiveness and turn away from it, and believe in Jesus sacrifice we are restored to God the Father and receive His Spirit who lives within us and guides us daily.

We were made by God to glorify Him through every breath, action word and deed.

We pray you who purchase from this website find joy in these little things, but also remembering that all of this world will pass away, and only true lasting joy and eternal life can come from the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray if you don’t know the Lord that He might draw you near to Him and you will learn the Truth and it will set you free.

Giving thanks in the mighty Name of Lord Jesus, Amen.